Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Dear Family,
First off, I got Deema and Tori's school pictures. They are so stinkin old. It is freaking me out. I have Tori's 8th grade picture in my wallet and the picture I got of her this week is not the same person.. hahah
We had a pretty good week this week. David was doing so well but then we stopped by one night and he was totally wasted. I feel bad cause it totally freaked Sister Taggart out. We were safe and everything, but it was just really sad. He has so much potential but can't seem to find the strength to make that step yet. He has such a good heart and I think he just needs some time to figure things out.
We were praying and fasting really hard for this one part member family this week We had the opportunity to visit with them. The wife is active and her husband is not a member. He is totally awesome though. He is the nicest guy you will ever meet, but he has had some bad experiences in the past with members and churches in general. We asked her before we stopped by if we could ask him if he wanted to take the lessons. Although missionaries have been lame towards him in the past, she said we could ask him. So finally I got up the courage and asked him. He didn't say no! haha it was great. He said he just wants to take baby steps! I am totally okay with that. I know that if we get him in a good spiritual environment that his heart will be changed because he wants to do what is right. We were pretty excited. He totally came to church on Sunday.. mostly to see the primary program but still it was amazing.
Skyeleah is doing well too! We prayed really hard to have the opportunity to go see Meet the Mormons in Omaha. Our ward mission leader and his wife offered to take us! We prayed really hard and tried getting ahold of Sky. We knew this would be such a wonderful experience for her and will really help her find answers. We couldn't got ahold of her Saturday morning so finally we just went over there and woke her up and got her out of bed. hahaha it worked. She only hated me for like 5 minutes. She totally loved Omaha!!!! Meet the Mormons was great for her to see. I loved how whenever the story talked about missionaries bring the gospel to them is was ALWAYS sister missionaries!!! That is whats up. After the movie we went to the trail center and to the temple with her. The spirit is so strong there. I was so happy to be back. I love the temple there is so much power behind going to the temple. I love President Monsons quote, "No sacrifice too great for the blessings of the temple." How true that is. We went into the waiting room in the temple and taught her a little bit more about it. I invited her to pray to know if this is the path Heavenly father wanted her to go on. The spirit was really strong. She not only felt it but recognized it as well.
I have been studying a lot lately about sacrifice. I read this morning about Aaron and when he is converting the King. At first the King says he is willing to give up his kingdom to know God but then he realizes he needs to give up his sins to know God. I realized that this is the sacrifice Heavenly Father wants from us.. to give up the sins that easily beset us. Amazing the things you can learn from the Book of Mormon hahah
We got a new ward mission leader yesterday. We were super sad to see Brother Obrien go. He and his wife have done so much for us. We are really excited for our new one. He is from England and is a power house. Heavenly Father has some amazing things planned form Grand Island. I am super grateful to be apart of it.
Life is good. I love the Gospel. Have a wonderful week! :)
Love, Sister Page

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