Wednesday, November 26, 2014

My Dearest Familia,
Well, it is freezing here... how is the weather there? Last week we were outside roofing without jackets on and now it is like 5 degrees plus wind chill. We are super grateful we have a car!!! :) Plus the members here totally spoil us. Don't worry mom, I am being taken care of for sure!
This week we had our mission tour with Elder Nielson from the seventy. It was exactly what I needed. So many of my questions were answered. It was wonderful. Heavenly Father defiantly answers prayers even if he has to send a general authority to do it. In his training he talked a lot of the redeeming powers of the Atonement and the enabling powers of the Atonement. He taught us how they are both different, but both so important. It was really neat. This week I have really been humbled in many ways. I am grateful that God calls the weak and the simple to do His work haha cause that is me. I like Elder Uchtdorfs talk in the Priesthood session he said, " If our weaknesses and shortcomings remain obscured in the shadows, then the redeeming power of the Savior cannot heal them and make them strengths." Heavenly Father is trying to teach me that I cannot do it alone. You'd think I would have learned this by now. NO wonder we are suppose to read the Book of Mormon everyday... It teaches us to be humble and rely on God. I am working on it!! :) it is a good lesson that will be important for the rest of my life.
Something else that was really neat about the mission tour with Elder Nielson is that he said that after he leaves Nebraska he is going to talk to the Kazakhstans Embasator about opening the country up for missionaries to go in!!!!!! how cool is that Deemer???? :) I was so excited I went and talked to him after and told him all about Deema. He was super excited. I told him I would pray that it goes well. Little tender mercies like that from the Lord are amazing.  
So this week we decided to hand David over to the Elders. I am sad but it is for the best. He fell a little this week and having him with the elders will be blessed. Once a gain the enabling powers of the Atonement are for everyone!! Keep praying for him.
We also got a chance to teach Stephanie and Maria. Maria is 15 and went to the Young womens in excellence night. She totally loved it. What better event for her to attend? It was wonderful.
Sister Trussel (less active) invited us to go listen to her dads band play. He is not a member and they really wanted us to come! WE got special permission and we went. Sister Trussels mom came up to us after and said she prayed that we would be able to come. I was super excited. WE want to teach them so bad. I have faith we will get the opportunity to! they are so amazing. Another miracle with that is Sister Trussel came to church for the first time in years yesterday!!! :) we were so excited. Miracles are happening.
Well I have to go but I love you all. Thanks for being so supportive. Life is good.. keep smiling :)
Love, Sister Page

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