Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Well Howdy family....haha I don't even know the answer to the question I put as the subject.. I just felt I should start putting subjects to my emails.. :)
So we had a great week this week. WE official handed the David over to the elders. It was sad because we spend so much time and prayers for him but I truly feel we did all we could for him.  The elders are also teaching this part member family. The mom is a member and there are five boys and one daughter. We are going to start teaching the daughter. She just gets left out and needs to be taught in a very different way. She is a sweetheart. She is 12 and has had a really hard life. She has been abused and more. It was so sad to hear all about it, but I am so excited to teach her. My favorite thing is to help people know how much Heavenly Father loves them and has a plan for them. Those moments are when I truly feel like a missionary.
We also got the chance to teach Stephanie and Maria this week. We were able to set them for baptism. We had the lesson in a members home and the spirit was so strong. We decided we are only going to teach investigators in members homes!!!
Sara Tweten is also doing really well. She really wants to be baptized but her dad is still being stubborn. He will hardly even talk to us. I prayed a lot about it and felt we should give him a conference talk. So we printed off the talk by Elder Uchtdorf called "Receiving light and truth" He totally read it I know he did!! I guess we will just take baby steps :) WE committed Sara to ask her Dad if she can be baptized... She agreed. :)
AS I was praying Saturday night I really felt like I should fast on Sunday, so I did. I wasn't exactly sure why. We were suppose to have 5 investigators and 2 less actives at church and non of them came. I didn't understand why I felt the need to fast but then everything went wrong. Although it was very sad, I was so happy yesterday. I just felt so much joy from the spirit. I realized that I was fasting so that I wouldn't get discouraged. Since we stayed positive we were able to see other miracles that day. I learned a really good lesson and my testimony about fasting was strengthened. God is good.
I am so excited for the holiday season and especially that I get to be a missionary. What a wonderful time of year to declare the "good news" to the world.
I love you all have a wonderful week.
Love, Sister Page

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