Monday, November 3, 2014

My dearest family,
First, I just want to say thank you to everyone for their love and support. I have amazing friends and family.
So, this week was transfers... Sister Taggart and I both stayed here. Thank goodness. I love Grand Island. We did however get Elders in our ward. This ward has never had Elders and Sister... like never. We are pretty excited to divide and conquer this area. One of the new elders is Elders Scott and he is training a new missionary. Elder Scott and served in Kearney so you might remember him. Although I enjoyed at times be the only set of missionaries here, I know it will be good for the area. I will try and humble myself. No promises though. :)
We went and visited this part member family. She is a member and her husband is not. We have been praying really hard to know what will help him have a change of heart. We felt really strongly about the Book of Mormon. When we were visiting with them we told him a little about it. To our surprise he new very little. The spirit was in the room and he accepted a Book of Mormon and said he would read it. The best part is after we left he asked his wife if they could have us over for dinner this next week!!!! How cool is that? :) We were pretty excited and it was a huge answer to prayers. I know if he sincerely reads the Book of Mormon not only will his heart be changed but he will understand why the Gospel of Jesus Christ is so important. Too many people get caught up in the Church and not the truthfulness of the gospel. I was reading a talk this week by Elder Hallstrom of the seventy. He talked about how "sometimes we use the terms gospel and Church interchangeably, but they are not the same. They are, however, exquisitely interconnected, and we need both. The purpose for the Church is to help us live the gospel." I see that more and more on my mission where people get wrapped up in "churches" and not the truthfulness and fullness of the gospel. How grateful I am to know the truth.
Another neat thing that happened, was with another part member family. Sara, is nine and is not baptized. We got to teach her this week! She is so smart and has such a pure heart. She called us yesterday and said, "I finished the chapter you wanted me to read. What else should I read?" I about died. No wonder Jesus said we need to humble ourselves and become and little children.
Sister Taggart and I also had the opportunity of meeting with a very less active lady in the ward. She lost her husband to MS five months ago and is struggling. She is ready to come back to church though. She needs it. We had an amazing lesson about the Atonement and the spirit was really strong. I love those moments when you really feel like you are fulfilling you missionary purpose. :)
Well, I hope you all have a wonderful week. Keep smiling. :) I love and miss you all.
Love, Sister Page
ps I got to see Sister Fuller and her family before she went home. I am super said all my companions are gone but grateful I still get time here in the field. Sorry I forgot my cord. I will send pictures next week.

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