Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Well hello my family,
This week was a lot better than last week! We didn't have as many appointments cancel haha so that is good. Honestly the best part of my week was we got to roof this recent converts house. It was so much fun! Not exactly sure if missionaries are allowed on top of roofs but I read the white handbook and it didn't specify... haha. Bishop kept hinting at me that he wanted me to do work down on the ground. I finally I turned to him and said, "Bishop, are you trying to take away my joy right now? haha he laughed and let me stay. It was so much fun. This family we helped out got baptized like a week before we got there. they are pretty sweet. She had mentioned to me they were roofing there house all by themselves. Since they are new they don't understand that the whole ward will show up to help and that no one needs to do it alone! She was so surprised when so many people showed up to help. The next day she bore her testimony in sacrament meeting and it was very powerful. We had some investigators there which even made it more cool.
Speaking of investigators, David is doing really well. He is working really hard to quit smoking and drinking. We had a lesson with him the other day on the covenant of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. The spirit was strong and he is really started to understand. He got excited and expressed to us that he was wondering why we are always striving to do good and to be good. He said he understands now and it is because we always want to spirit with us. He sincerely has a desire to change and he has so much. It is amazing what the Atonement can do.
We also had a lesson with a part member family and he isn't a member. He is doing so well and started reading the Book of Mormon for the first time! I know it can change him. He invited us back over this week for dinner. We are super excited.
We got to go to mutual this week. We had an investigator in Young Women's and Activity days. So sister Taggart and I divided and conquered. It was so fun to be back in Young women's. I haven't grown up much. I fit right in. Sara who was in activity days really wants to be baptized. She is nine and is sooo ready. We have been teaching her and this last week she asked us, "what if someone wants to be baptized but their parents won't let them, will they still go to Heaven?" It broke my heart. I think her dad will agree to her being baptized soon though cause his heart is totally softening!
We also had a lesson with this less active lady in our ward. We talked about the sacrament and courage. Elder Robbins of the seventy said in his last talk, " Courage is not just one of the cardinal virtues but courage is the form of every virtue at the testing point." I realized how important it is in life to have courage to love and fear God before we fear man.
I love you all. Sorry my email is short. I will send some pictures... they are worth a thousand words ya know! :) The Gospel is true!
Love, Sister Page

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