Thursday, December 18, 2014

Dear Family,
It sounds like you all had a pretty epic week.... well so did I! haha take that :) just kidding.
I am happy to say that I did get to stay in Grand Island! I only had to threated a couple people... just kidding but we did pray a lot. It made us feel really good that so many people here were praying that Sister Taggart and I got to stay. Prayer works everybody!!
I feel like so many things have happened this week and you all know I don't write super long emails so I will try :)
Sister Taggart and I felt we needed to start up a game night so we could get people into the church through a non threatening way. We finally got it all set up. We did it Thursday. We got one less active there and three investigators. It was great. We played apples to apples and yes I won haha it was a good night though. It is just so important to helped investigators get friends who are members. I was so grateful it all worked out, because you know me I can get a little stressed sometimes haha
So, for the passed couple of weeks I have been super stressed and maybe a little anxious because I know my time is running out and there are just so many things I feel I need to accomplish. I have been praying a lot. Saturday morning I had a wonderful study and realized that I just need to do my best and hand the rest over to the Lord. I studied Psalm 37:3-7 I felt so much better! Then everything that could go wrong went wrong. We had three appointments cancel that day. Then someone was very rude and disrespectful to me and I finally just broke. I was super confused that I was doing what was right and was trying to act in faith and then everything fell apart. I got down on my knees and prayed. The spirit brought to my remembrance about 6 months ago a sister called me because she was very discouraged and depressed. She was having a really hard time feeling and following the spirit. The expressed how she just felt the adversary working so hard on her. I talked to her that day about the first vision. Random I know. We talked about how Joseph Smith was doing the right thing by asking the Lord in faith but the adversary did all he could to stop him. After Joseph Smith over came the adversaries attack that is when one of the most important miracles of all time happened. I know the adversary works the hardest right before incredible things happen. We just can't give in. I decided to take my own advice. I felt I needed to get a priesthood blessing. So, I humbled myself and called a member of our ward. It was an incredible blessing and after we were able to feel at peace and get our and work. The next day, Sunday, was an amazing day. We had two investigators at church, we got a new investigator and we had an awesome lesson with a less active. Righteousness is and will always be more powerful than wickedness.
I love you all. If you feel the adversary working really hard on you right now just don't give up because Heavenly Father has amazing plans for you.
Love, Sister Page

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