Monday, December 8, 2014

HAPPY MONDAY EVERYONE!! I hope you all had a wonderful week. Today it is 55 degrees outside. I love it... don't worry though tomorrow it will be -10 that is just how it works here. haha
Sister Taggart and I had a wonderful week. We have been working a lot with The Baker family. The mom is a member and non of the kids are. They have had a really hard life. Imagine like the worst possible scenario and that is probably it. They have come so far though. We have been having some really good lessons with their family. Us and the elders are teaming up to work with them and it is going really well. They all came to church yesterday. It was a miracle. We also had the Tweeten family there. It was a great day.
This week we really focused on getting people to our ward Christmas party. We had many part member families there and a couple of investigators. The Lord is truly blessing us. One of our investigators, names Verlon, he is married to a member. WE had an amazing lesson with him about the Book of Mormon and he is totally reading it. But anyway he played Santa Claus at the party! How cool is that? He will be baptized one day no doubt. After the party we had dinner that night with a member family in our ward. We were talking to them about how awesome Verlon is. Then me being the stupid sister missionary i am said, "yeah wasn't that cool how he played Santa Claus for the party?" Then their youngest started like crying and they other one was like, "what do you mean he played Santa Claus??" So basically i ruined everything for those little kids. I am going to be the worst mom ever. hahaha Anyway it was ever all a really good day.
Rumor has it that Sister Taggart and I are both leaving this week at transfers. If that happens i will really be sad. I have learned a lot about prayer this week though. I know that everything will happen the way the Lord has planned. I am so grateful for the Holy ghost which the Father sends the comfort us. I know that prayer is how we, like in the Christmas video, "embrace The Gift." I am looking forward to getting to know my Savior even more this wonderful season. I shared my testimony yesterday in Sacrament meeting and talked a little about our gifts to the Savior. I invite you to really think and pray this year about what He would have you give.
I love you all so much. Have a wonderful week and don't forget the share "The Gift" with others. 
Love Sister Page

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