Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Dear Family,
What is up??? it was so good to see all your shinning faces. I feel bad because going into talking with the family I had so much to tell you and ask but then it all my brain right when I see you. That is okay though. I did want to apologize. I loved everything I got sent for Christmas. I had a wonderful Christmas and wouldn't change a thing. When I was thinking about it I realized I seemed like a total brat and I was just kidding. I am very grateful to have a wonderful family who doesn't forget about me over the Christmas time!!!
So I already told you a lot about our week but I still have more :) Tuesday night a bunch of us missionaries went caroling. We literally just knocked on random doors and sung to them. Then we would give them a "He is the Gift" card. It was lots of fun! I was very surprised at the response of the people. It was a very cold night but most of them would come outside and listen and then thank us. This one house me and another sister went up and knocked the door and as we were walking back to the group to sing this man answered the door with nothing on... haha dad you asked me over Skype what the scariest thing I have ever experienced on my mission.. I think that was it hahahaha I wish I could say that was the first time that has happened to me out here... Other than that it was a fun night!
Sister Taggart and I have been trying to be as positive as possible. I know that negativity destroys faith. We definitely don't want to do that. This week we had many appointments fall through, which is not a surprise because of the Christmas week. We also had some investigators drop us BUT Sister T and I were not going to let that get us down. We just kept praying and working. Last night we had an awesome lesson with this lady named Maggie. She is incredible. I think I have mentioned her. We taught her the plan of salvation and asked her if she had prayed about the Book of Mormon and been thinking about being baptized. She said yes but wasn't sure if she was ready yet. I had a very strong feeling to talk to her about setting a date. She said she feels that one of us is leaving so soon she needs to be baptized before I go. I was completely shocked. It was awesome. So we set her for the 17th! She has many things to overcome and obviously if she isn't ready at that date I won't force it but she can totally do it! Please pray for Maggie.
I am so excited to make these next few weeks the most hard working, miraculous, fun time of my mission. I was listening to Called to Serve this morning and I am just so grateful to be serving Him right now.
"Are you going to faulter or finish?" I AM GOING TO FINSH!
Love you all. Be good.
Love, Sister Page

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