Monday, February 24, 2014

Dear Family,
Well somehow you heard I get transferred. Pretty crazy... I feel like homesick haha not for Utah though but for Kearney. It is so weird. I am very excited to be in Papillion though! I know my time in Kearney was over and I hopefully fulfilled all that God wanted me to there. It is a great to feel that God is pleased with my efforts. Now on to my new adventure.... :)
I had a really neat experience before I left Kearney. Wednesday night we received a referral for church headquarters. Her name is Megan. We called her to see if she would be interested in us coming to meet her. She said her roommate from college was a member and now she is on a mission. She did not seem very open with the idea of being taught. She then went on to saw how she is super busy because she is on the soccer team at UNK. Long story short she was Lexie Peterson’s roommate at UNLV and we totally played against them in the spring. She also came to St George once and I am pretty sure I had met her. We invited her to come play soccer with us on Saturday and she accepted. Then of course I got the news the next day I was getting transferred :( So we got her to meet with us right before I left. It was a great opportunity to meet with her. I invited her to take the lessons and she said she would! I guess Heavenly Father just needed me to make that first connection and now she can be taught by the sisters there. Another thing that was neat before I left was I got to go bear my testimony to all the people we were working with and I could be super bold because I was leaving hahaha It was a very spiritual day and I know it is because I got to share my testimony with so many people.
So Papillion... haha I am still an STL with Sister Larson. I am very grateful Heavenly Father still trusts me to take care of his daughters. I am a little overwhelmed with everything but I guess that is normal. Papillion seems like a great place. Not a lot of missionary work going on with the members but it is all a work in progress. They have all been very nice to me. It is so weird starting over but I am so excited. Hopefully it won't take as long to win the hearts of the people here as it did with the people in Kearney ;) Anyway, I live with a member. She has a beautiful home and it is on an apple orchard haha nice huh. Sister Larsen is great. She is from Idaho and is just a sweetheart. God knows I need to learn Charity.  I will send pictures next week. Sister call is still in Kearney and her new companion is sister Dumont... my mtc companion. I am excited for them :) they will do wonderful things in Kearney.
Scripture for the week Abraham 3:25 I am making that my new goal... I invite you to do the same:)
I love my family and I am grateful for all your prayers.

Love, Sister Page

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My dearest family,
So much has happened since I last emailed it is sort of overwhelming. So last Monday night we went to a members home to eat dinner. Brother Oliver is a crazy guy and he was challenging me to see how many tacos I could eat. I started to feel very sick and I thought it was because of how much I ate haha but I soon figured out that was not the case. Long story short I ended up with the stomach flu that night. It was super inconvenient because we were supposed to be having an exchange in Holdrege on Tuesday. I was only sick for like 24 hours, but still. We are only in our area a couple days a week so I just felt bad wasting so much time! Wednesday I still was not feeling very well but Sister Call and I was giving training in Zone training so I had to go. Heavenly Father blessed me a lot to feel better, but I still was pretty weak. Our training went well. In fact I would say it was one of the best we have ever done. We talked about how our covenants make us have a more positive outlook on life. It was a blessing to have the opportunity to study my covenants. Anyway, after conference we were having zone Olympics. So we competed in districted and then you go on to zone and then you go on to zone conference. The competition was pushups, latters, sit ups... stuff like that. Well I was super sick, but you all know me I had to compete. I was so upset because during the latter’s I missed a latter and lost by like .2 seconds haha how embarrassing. Its okay I am clearly over it. After I ran the little latter I about died though haha and then I had to compete in pushups. I did 83 pushups and died but I won so it’s all good! After that I didn't feel up to doing the other events... I mean I wanted to give other sisters an opportunity haha ;) That night we stayed in Grand Island and had exchanges with those sisters. They are in a trio so it was sorta weird... what is even more weird is going on exchanges with the Spanish sisters. I have no idea what they are saying, but it is neat because you can still feel the spirit testify to what they are saying. I was totally hoping I would just start speaking in tongues haha it never happened. :( I did however have an awesome lesson with one of the English sisters. WE found this couple and taught them the restoration. The lady was so excited to read the book of Mormon. Heavenly Father definitely magnifies my talents on exchanges for the sister, because when I go back to my area things don't go as well. I think it is neat Heavenly Father is willing to bless me with more of the spirit so I can help His daughters.
The other thing that was neat about this week was we had an MTC day for the youth in our ward. Not a lot of the youth want to serve missions and I think it is very sad. The activity was such a success. They came to the church received a "mission call" and a name tag. We then had a little MTC and taught them how to be missionaries. After that they went to "where they were serving" which was members’ homes who served in those countries and they taught the members (who were acting as missionaries) the first lesson. After that we had an amazing testimony meeting, Where many youth expressed their new desire to serve a mission. It was such a neat experience.
I had a wonderful week.  I love you all. You are in my prayers!

Love, Sister Page

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hello family,
This week was a great week. Sister Call and I spent 24 hours in our area. hahaha I am not ever exaggerating. We had exchanges in North Platte on Tuesday. The Sisters were struggling with getting members out with them for lessons. All Tuesday we worked really hard, but didn't see much success. The next day we were planning on going home, but the cars all got grounded because of this big snow storm. Sister Call and I prayed about what to do, we felt we needed to stay an extra day. I totally had a feeling to bring extra clothing to the exchange, but I didn’t :( Anyway, since the cars were grounded it forced the sisters to make appointments and call members to take us out. Every door we knocked with a member opened. It was so amazing. The sisters expressed to us how they know it was Heavenly Father showing them how He wants missionary work done.  So then Thursday came around and we were still in North Platte. The North Platte district wanted to have a pot luck to say goodbye to their district leader so President asked Sister Call and to attend and to make sure all missionaries were not flirting with each other... haha jokes on me I know. Anyway it went well. By the time we got back to Kearney it was Thursday night and we had to be in Omaha by 9pm. Sister Call and I road in the transfer van with a bunch of zone leaders and district leaders.... for three hours. Friday we had leadership council and it was so great. I always feel super inadequate at those things but I learn a lot. Friday night we played soccer we all these nonmember again. It was super fun.  Saturday we were able to go to North Platte for Kirsten’s baptism. She asked Sister Call and me to speak. We were also able to bring an investigator. It was a wonderful day. I am very grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving me the opportunity to attend her baptism. She is so special.
This week we are doing a missionary activity with all the youth. They will be receiving mission calls and everything. I hope we can get the youth here in Kearney to be more excited to serve missions. It truly is the best thing I have ever been blessed to do. I know this gospel is true and I am so grateful for the opportunity to share my testimony with so many people.

I love you all. Have a wonderful week :)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Krissy and Sister Vera playing soccer. Sorta...
Hello family (or probably just mom and dad cause they are the only ones who read this I am sure),
This was a pretty good week. We had to drop three investigators but other than that it went well haha Monday I made Sister Call go on a run with me after we emailed because I just needed it really bad. We went for a walk run for like 2 hours it was great. It was so cold like frostbite weather but we were fine. I loved it.
Tuesday we had exchanges I went to Hastings with one of the sisters there. They are doing well and we found two new investigators for them. Sometimes it is hard to see so many miracles on exchanges in other sister’s areas but I am learning to find joy in the success of the Sisters we are over.
Wednesday was a sad day. We had to go to Grand Island and stay with a Sister because her companion decided to go home. She was having health problems and she couldn’t handle it anymore. It is neat to see who the Lord puts people with though. Her companion is the only one who could be positive through this entire experience.
Thursday we had a wonderful lesson with this less active lady we found. Her family is all active in Arizona and she is totally going to come back! She came to church this week for the first time in forever! We were so excited! Thursday night we are teaching mission prep to youth and ysa who are preparing to serve. It is so much fun!
Friday we had a really awesome lesson with the bishop’s family. Their hearts are totally softening to missionary work! :)  It is really cool to see!
Saturday we played soccer as always and guess what?! One of the guys we pay soccer with is totally set for baptism! The elders started teaching him after we started playing soccer! I am pretty sure that is why I played soccer my whole life haha just kidding be seriously. The Veras gave me a soccer jersey from Chile it is pretty sweet!
Sunday was great. Two less actives we have been working with came to church. Also this less active family we are working with to get to the temple... he bore his testimony for the first time in his life. It was incredible. Sister Call and I also found some people while street contacting who are interested in hearing more so that’s a miracle.
Kirsten will be getting baptized this Saturday in North Platte and we hopefully will get to go. Kristen asked me to speak still so I totally count her as my baptism haha I hesitate telling you there is a baptism this week because I am pretty sure every time I do that it falls through. Sad. Anyway miracles are happening. I will be very sad the day I leave Kearney.
I found my new favorite scripture Mosiah 5:15 My goal on my mission is that I will do all that God wants from me and that Christ will "seal you his" How amazing would that be?
I love you all. Be good.

Love, Sister Page
Hi family,
So I just realized I have like no time left. Sorry I had to write president a long email updated him about all the sisters.
I think the greatest thing I learned this week was how real Satan is. I see him working really hard on some of the most valiant of God's children. BUT I do know that "Righteousness is and always will be more powerful than wickedness." - President Boyd K. Packer. I am grateful for that knowledge.
I don't want that to freak you out or anything, because I am fine. I am very grateful for the experiences I have on my mission. I know I am where I am supposed to be and that I am learning what I need to learn. It sort of scares me to think about what might be in our future but I know with God all things are possible.
I love being a missionary. I know this gospel is the ONLY way to peace in this life and eternal joy in the next. I love you family. Sorry my letter is so short. I promise next weeks will be better haha I say that every week. Sorry. I love you family. Keep being amazing and read the Book of Mormon. Every day. haha
Love, Sister Page

PS. no need to forward this email to people it is so lame.