Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My dearest family,
So much has happened since I last emailed it is sort of overwhelming. So last Monday night we went to a members home to eat dinner. Brother Oliver is a crazy guy and he was challenging me to see how many tacos I could eat. I started to feel very sick and I thought it was because of how much I ate haha but I soon figured out that was not the case. Long story short I ended up with the stomach flu that night. It was super inconvenient because we were supposed to be having an exchange in Holdrege on Tuesday. I was only sick for like 24 hours, but still. We are only in our area a couple days a week so I just felt bad wasting so much time! Wednesday I still was not feeling very well but Sister Call and I was giving training in Zone training so I had to go. Heavenly Father blessed me a lot to feel better, but I still was pretty weak. Our training went well. In fact I would say it was one of the best we have ever done. We talked about how our covenants make us have a more positive outlook on life. It was a blessing to have the opportunity to study my covenants. Anyway, after conference we were having zone Olympics. So we competed in districted and then you go on to zone and then you go on to zone conference. The competition was pushups, latters, sit ups... stuff like that. Well I was super sick, but you all know me I had to compete. I was so upset because during the latter’s I missed a latter and lost by like .2 seconds haha how embarrassing. Its okay I am clearly over it. After I ran the little latter I about died though haha and then I had to compete in pushups. I did 83 pushups and died but I won so it’s all good! After that I didn't feel up to doing the other events... I mean I wanted to give other sisters an opportunity haha ;) That night we stayed in Grand Island and had exchanges with those sisters. They are in a trio so it was sorta weird... what is even more weird is going on exchanges with the Spanish sisters. I have no idea what they are saying, but it is neat because you can still feel the spirit testify to what they are saying. I was totally hoping I would just start speaking in tongues haha it never happened. :( I did however have an awesome lesson with one of the English sisters. WE found this couple and taught them the restoration. The lady was so excited to read the book of Mormon. Heavenly Father definitely magnifies my talents on exchanges for the sister, because when I go back to my area things don't go as well. I think it is neat Heavenly Father is willing to bless me with more of the spirit so I can help His daughters.
The other thing that was neat about this week was we had an MTC day for the youth in our ward. Not a lot of the youth want to serve missions and I think it is very sad. The activity was such a success. They came to the church received a "mission call" and a name tag. We then had a little MTC and taught them how to be missionaries. After that they went to "where they were serving" which was members’ homes who served in those countries and they taught the members (who were acting as missionaries) the first lesson. After that we had an amazing testimony meeting, Where many youth expressed their new desire to serve a mission. It was such a neat experience.
I had a wonderful week.  I love you all. You are in my prayers!

Love, Sister Page

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