Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hello family,
This week was a great week. Sister Call and I spent 24 hours in our area. hahaha I am not ever exaggerating. We had exchanges in North Platte on Tuesday. The Sisters were struggling with getting members out with them for lessons. All Tuesday we worked really hard, but didn't see much success. The next day we were planning on going home, but the cars all got grounded because of this big snow storm. Sister Call and I prayed about what to do, we felt we needed to stay an extra day. I totally had a feeling to bring extra clothing to the exchange, but I didn’t :( Anyway, since the cars were grounded it forced the sisters to make appointments and call members to take us out. Every door we knocked with a member opened. It was so amazing. The sisters expressed to us how they know it was Heavenly Father showing them how He wants missionary work done.  So then Thursday came around and we were still in North Platte. The North Platte district wanted to have a pot luck to say goodbye to their district leader so President asked Sister Call and to attend and to make sure all missionaries were not flirting with each other... haha jokes on me I know. Anyway it went well. By the time we got back to Kearney it was Thursday night and we had to be in Omaha by 9pm. Sister Call and I road in the transfer van with a bunch of zone leaders and district leaders.... for three hours. Friday we had leadership council and it was so great. I always feel super inadequate at those things but I learn a lot. Friday night we played soccer we all these nonmember again. It was super fun.  Saturday we were able to go to North Platte for Kirsten’s baptism. She asked Sister Call and me to speak. We were also able to bring an investigator. It was a wonderful day. I am very grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving me the opportunity to attend her baptism. She is so special.
This week we are doing a missionary activity with all the youth. They will be receiving mission calls and everything. I hope we can get the youth here in Kearney to be more excited to serve missions. It truly is the best thing I have ever been blessed to do. I know this gospel is true and I am so grateful for the opportunity to share my testimony with so many people.

I love you all. Have a wonderful week :)

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