Monday, February 3, 2014

Hello family (or probably just mom and dad cause they are the only ones who read this I am sure),
This was a pretty good week. We had to drop three investigators but other than that it went well haha Monday I made Sister Call go on a run with me after we emailed because I just needed it really bad. We went for a walk run for like 2 hours it was great. It was so cold like frostbite weather but we were fine. I loved it.
Tuesday we had exchanges I went to Hastings with one of the sisters there. They are doing well and we found two new investigators for them. Sometimes it is hard to see so many miracles on exchanges in other sister’s areas but I am learning to find joy in the success of the Sisters we are over.
Wednesday was a sad day. We had to go to Grand Island and stay with a Sister because her companion decided to go home. She was having health problems and she couldn’t handle it anymore. It is neat to see who the Lord puts people with though. Her companion is the only one who could be positive through this entire experience.
Thursday we had a wonderful lesson with this less active lady we found. Her family is all active in Arizona and she is totally going to come back! She came to church this week for the first time in forever! We were so excited! Thursday night we are teaching mission prep to youth and ysa who are preparing to serve. It is so much fun!
Friday we had a really awesome lesson with the bishop’s family. Their hearts are totally softening to missionary work! :)  It is really cool to see!
Saturday we played soccer as always and guess what?! One of the guys we pay soccer with is totally set for baptism! The elders started teaching him after we started playing soccer! I am pretty sure that is why I played soccer my whole life haha just kidding be seriously. The Veras gave me a soccer jersey from Chile it is pretty sweet!
Sunday was great. Two less actives we have been working with came to church. Also this less active family we are working with to get to the temple... he bore his testimony for the first time in his life. It was incredible. Sister Call and I also found some people while street contacting who are interested in hearing more so that’s a miracle.
Kirsten will be getting baptized this Saturday in North Platte and we hopefully will get to go. Kristen asked me to speak still so I totally count her as my baptism haha I hesitate telling you there is a baptism this week because I am pretty sure every time I do that it falls through. Sad. Anyway miracles are happening. I will be very sad the day I leave Kearney.
I found my new favorite scripture Mosiah 5:15 My goal on my mission is that I will do all that God wants from me and that Christ will "seal you his" How amazing would that be?
I love you all. Be good.

Love, Sister Page

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