Monday, February 3, 2014

Hi family,
So I just realized I have like no time left. Sorry I had to write president a long email updated him about all the sisters.
I think the greatest thing I learned this week was how real Satan is. I see him working really hard on some of the most valiant of God's children. BUT I do know that "Righteousness is and always will be more powerful than wickedness." - President Boyd K. Packer. I am grateful for that knowledge.
I don't want that to freak you out or anything, because I am fine. I am very grateful for the experiences I have on my mission. I know I am where I am supposed to be and that I am learning what I need to learn. It sort of scares me to think about what might be in our future but I know with God all things are possible.
I love being a missionary. I know this gospel is the ONLY way to peace in this life and eternal joy in the next. I love you family. Sorry my letter is so short. I promise next weeks will be better haha I say that every week. Sorry. I love you family. Keep being amazing and read the Book of Mormon. Every day. haha
Love, Sister Page

PS. no need to forward this email to people it is so lame.

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