Monday, February 24, 2014

Dear Family,
Well somehow you heard I get transferred. Pretty crazy... I feel like homesick haha not for Utah though but for Kearney. It is so weird. I am very excited to be in Papillion though! I know my time in Kearney was over and I hopefully fulfilled all that God wanted me to there. It is a great to feel that God is pleased with my efforts. Now on to my new adventure.... :)
I had a really neat experience before I left Kearney. Wednesday night we received a referral for church headquarters. Her name is Megan. We called her to see if she would be interested in us coming to meet her. She said her roommate from college was a member and now she is on a mission. She did not seem very open with the idea of being taught. She then went on to saw how she is super busy because she is on the soccer team at UNK. Long story short she was Lexie Peterson’s roommate at UNLV and we totally played against them in the spring. She also came to St George once and I am pretty sure I had met her. We invited her to come play soccer with us on Saturday and she accepted. Then of course I got the news the next day I was getting transferred :( So we got her to meet with us right before I left. It was a great opportunity to meet with her. I invited her to take the lessons and she said she would! I guess Heavenly Father just needed me to make that first connection and now she can be taught by the sisters there. Another thing that was neat before I left was I got to go bear my testimony to all the people we were working with and I could be super bold because I was leaving hahaha It was a very spiritual day and I know it is because I got to share my testimony with so many people.
So Papillion... haha I am still an STL with Sister Larson. I am very grateful Heavenly Father still trusts me to take care of his daughters. I am a little overwhelmed with everything but I guess that is normal. Papillion seems like a great place. Not a lot of missionary work going on with the members but it is all a work in progress. They have all been very nice to me. It is so weird starting over but I am so excited. Hopefully it won't take as long to win the hearts of the people here as it did with the people in Kearney ;) Anyway, I live with a member. She has a beautiful home and it is on an apple orchard haha nice huh. Sister Larsen is great. She is from Idaho and is just a sweetheart. God knows I need to learn Charity.  I will send pictures next week. Sister call is still in Kearney and her new companion is sister Dumont... my mtc companion. I am excited for them :) they will do wonderful things in Kearney.
Scripture for the week Abraham 3:25 I am making that my new goal... I invite you to do the same:)
I love my family and I am grateful for all your prayers.

Love, Sister Page

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