Thursday, September 18, 2014

Dear Family,
Transfers were this last week, I am SO HAPPY I GET TO STAY IN PAPILLION! I was really nervous, because everyone thought I was going to be booted! President even said my time as an STL was coming to an end, but some how I snuck one more transfer in.. I am so lucky.There is so many great things happening here and I am grateful Heavenly Father gave me another transfer here.
A lot of things happened this week so I will try and hit the high lights!
Wednesday might have been one of the best days of my mission. We has a lesson with our investigator Kris, it was an amazing lesson. She lives next door to a member and they are really good friends. She was there for the lesson and we taught her the Gospel of Jesus Christ(which is my favorite lesson to teach)! We set her for baptism! She seriously is so prepared it is crazy. I don't even feel like I have to say anything in the lesson, because the spirit teaches her everything.  She is so close to the spirit and wants to learn more and change her life. After we left the lesson, we had the opportunity to go to the temple. Sister Fuller taught this amazing lady at the beginning of her mission and she received her endowments. I was able to do the family name mom sent me. How cool is that? We set someone for baptism, got to see someone receive their own endowments and I got to go through for someone who had passed on. It was amazing. As I was sitting in the temple, I realized that this is why we do missionary work. I wish so badly that everyone could understand what we understand and have the opportunity to experience the temple. We take if for granted way too much!!! I know that we go to church, read our scriptures, pray and so that we experience the blessings of making covenants in the temple. You all better go to the temple more often!
This week we got to take out the new missionaries again on their first day. Miracles always happen when we take sisters out. I took this sweet sister out and we were struggling finding people to talk to. Sister Fuller took this really shy sister out and they saw some really neat experiences.. long story short I got the copes called on me and the new sister hahah I felt bad for the new sister. Heavenly Father always come through though and at the last minute we met someone she was able to give a Book of Mormon to. Heavenly Father knows what each of us need and what lessons that we need to learn haha not that I think she needed to get the copes called on her but that she learned a great lesson of patience on her very first day. It will help her so much throughout her mission!
Yesterday, I spoke in sacrament meeting and other than that it was a wonderful day! Amy and Kris came to church. They both loved it. I was so grateful. Kris text us after and said she can't wait to learn more. We are going to the trail center this week with her! Speaking of the trail center, we got to go with Amy last night. I love with trail center. The spirit is so strong there! I am learned so much from taking investigators there. The pioneers faith is so inspiring. It is such a wonderful conversion tool. Amy loved it. She is still praying to know is she should be baptized. I know she will, she just needs time. She has such a special spirit.
Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful week. I love my family and I am so grateful for all you do. Be good and remember what is most important! :)
Love, Sister Page

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