Thursday, September 18, 2014

My dearest family,
So usually I like jot down things I want to email home but I didn't this morning so sorry if I am a little scatter brained. It is so crazy school starts so soon. School started this last week for the students here in Papillion. So weird.
We have had another great week. Sister Fuller and I had the opportunity to go to 2 zone trainings this week. I feel super lucky because it is a spiritually boost every time you go to those meetings and we always get to go to multiple. Sister Fuller and I got to give a training. I learned that we learn line upon line and by repetition. That's probably why we go to church every week... duh sister page.
So we have been teaching Edd the new member lessons. He has been struggling a lot this week actually. It was really heartbreaking to see. I know Satan is working on him really hard. This will be a good experience to learn to apply the Atonement. Please pray for him. We did have a really amazing lesson with him this week though. We have a member come with us and he bore a really powerful testimony. Edd arranged his ride to church this week and even commented in class. It was so neat to see him really wanting it. he knows the gospel is what is best for him.
So this week we got to go the trail center and around the temple with Kris. I just love her. Seriously, she is the most prepared person I have ever taught. She has many challenges ahead of her, but nothing she can't handle through her amazing faith. I love taking people to the trail center. The spirit is so strong there. I can't wait to take you all there after my mission. Kris said even though change is hard, she really wants this for her family. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to teach her. We also got to teach Amy again this week. She said she knows she needs to be baptized. She has some addictions to overcome, but she has a desire and knows how to rely on the Lord. That is all it takes! :)
This morning we had a testimony meeting with our zone. It was a really neat experience. It is so cool to be in a room full of missionaries and to hear their personally testimony of the Gospel. I am so grateful to in the Lords army. I know the Gospel of Jesus Christ is how we apply the Atonement and when we apply the Atonement we will become who He wants us to become and that is how we experience true joy. oh man, we are so blessed to know these things.
I love my family! Have a wonderful week! As mom would say, "remember who you are and what you stand for!"
Love, Sister Page
Sorry my email is so short, but a picture is worth a thousand words right? :)

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