Monday, September 29, 2014

My dearest family,
I am so excited for conference. It truly is the best time of the year!
This week has been a great week. We have been able to meet a lot of people. Sister Taggart and I set two people for baptism this week. We are super blessed. We have been able to include some members in our teaching as well. I think the most important thing we can do right now in this area is earn the trust of member by working hard and being powerful teachers.
So Amy my investigator back in Papillion got baptized this last Saturday. I was praying about whether we should go or stay in Grand Island for the women's conference. I had the opportunity to talk to President Weston in interviews and he said I should go. I just needed to find and investigator and a member to take us. I was pretty excited. We found an investigator and a member and we were all ready to go on Saturday. A couple hours before we were suppose to leave the member who was taking us called and told us her daughter was in the hospital so she couldn't go. Her daughter had an infection. She is going to be alright thank goodness but I was very sad. I was also super confused because as I had prayed about what to do I felt I needed to go. I remembered my women's conference and how sad I was not to have gotten an investigator there. The broadcast is just too amazing not to share it with the world. AI am like completely convinced any girl who saw it would want to be baptized haha so I was pretty determined. I prayed and felt like we had things to do in Grand Island and everything was going to work out.  We were walking back from the Hospital(cause we don't have a car haha) and we met this Girl named Skyeleah. She had just moved here. We invited her to go and she totally came. SHE LOVED IT. I told you anyone who saw it would want to be baptized :) Miracles are truly happening here. We will probably have to turn her over to the YSA sisters but I don't even care. I am just happy we got to bring someone. I got permission to call Amy and she had the most amazing experience at her baptism. I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to teach her. So just always remember God has a plan for you even when you think everything is falling apart. Sorry my email was so short. I will send some pictures next week and write more. Grand Island is amazing and I am grateful to be here. My mission president told me to just be myself and stop stressing hahaha sounds like something mom and dad tell me every dad of my life. Maybe I will do it this time. hahaha I love you all. Heavenly Father is aware of all of you and has a plan for you. Sometimes we just have to be patient and remember to ask him. Keep Him involved in the details :) Have a wonderful week.
Love, Sister Page

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