Monday, September 22, 2014

"My Calling: I am called of God. My Authority is above that of kings of the earth. By revelation I have been selected as a personal representative of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is my Master. He has chosen me to represent Him, to stand in His place, to say and do what He himself would say and do if He personally were ministering to the very people to whom He has sent me. My voice is His voice, my acts are His acts, my words are His words, and my doctrine is His doctrine. My commission is to do what He wants done. To say what He wants said. To be a living, modern witness in word and deed of the divinity of His great and marvelous latter-day work. HOW GREAT IS MY CALLING." (Elder Bruce R. McConkie)
I wanted to start off with that quote. I am so grateful to be a missionary right now and I am realizing how special it truly is.
So I guess I never get to inform you about my exciting news because by the time Monday hits you already know hahaha anyway I am in Grand Island! President Weston got sick of me and sent me away again hahah totally kidding. I will talk more about my adventures so far in Grand Island in a minute. Right now I want to start off with the beginning of my week...
So I prayed so stinkin hard that I would be able to teach everyone one last time before I left. Heavenly Father answered my prayers big time. I was able to teach Amy the day before I left. She should be getting baptized this Saturday or next. It was an incredible lesson. I am going to miss her so much. She has let the Gospel of Jesus Christ truly change her. I know I will be friends with her forever. I don't know if I will be able to go to her baptism but I am just grateful for her decision! I also got to teach Chip. We taught him in the Stephens home. The spirit is so strong in their home and Brother and Sister Stephen really helped Chip out. Chip agreed to be baptized. It was really neat. Not only was I able to teach all the people we were working with this week, I was also able to teach families that we have been trying so hard to teach for SO LONG! We taught the Haycock family, they are a part member family that I have mentioned a couple of times. The mom and son agreed to be baptized! :)  We also got to teach the Whipples who we have been trying to meet with for so long. It was just amazing. It was really hard to say goodbye to everyone, but I know I made so forever friends in Papillion with members and nonmembers. I am super blessed.
So Thursday morning I got a call from President Weston. He told me my time being Sister Training Leader was over and I had a new assignment. I am training Sister Taggart and we are pink washing the Grand Island 2nd ward. Pink washing means they took out both elders and are replacing them with sisters. They rarely ever take elders completely out of an area like that. I am not exactly sure why, but i know unfortunately there was a reason for it. The ward has only had elders for years so they were all pretty excited to see sisters. They day I got the call from president i had a lot to do. We ended up going and taking out the new missionaries like we have done a couple of times. I didn't really want to go because i had to pack and say goodbye to everyone but i knew Heavenly Father would really bless us if we did. Sacrifice means "To give up something we value for the sake of something of greater value. If we were not required to make sacrifices, we would never be able to develop the faith necessary for eternal salvation." Anyway it was really neat in those couple hours we spent with the new sisters we got three new investigators and saw some awesome miracles with them. My last day in Papillion was great.
So, on to my new adventure. I picked up Sister Taggart. She is from Tooele, Utah. She is a super fun, hard working sister. I am excited to be with her. We got to Grand Island and the Elders took us to our new apartment. Long story short they just said sorry we didn't clean and a bunch of the lights are burnt out. It was the dirtiest apartment i have ever seen. I am grateful the lights were out because we couldn't see how gross it really was. I felt so bad for Sister Taggart. She was super overwhelmed. We spent a couple hours cleaning up. I finally just looked at her and started laughing. I just said think of how hard our dads would be laughing at us right now. She is also really close to her dad. She finally cracked a smile and laughed it off with me. Laughing is way better than crying! So here I am in Grand Island with a new missionary, we knew no one and we have no car. hahaha super pathetic right?  We ended up getting a ride to the store and getting light bulbs we came back to the apartment and put them in... and still no light. I finally walked over to the breaker and turned the lights back on... silly elders haha they have been in the dark for days apparently.
The best part about being in Grand Island is the members are so excited we are here!!! I have had people come up to me and say, "Sister Page, it is good to see you!" apparently i met them a while ago while on exchanges in grand island. The ward is SUPER supportive and the bishop has helped us out so much. There is so much work to be done here! I am so excited to be here and so grateful Heavenly Father has trusted me enough to send me here. I have no idea how to train or pink wash but He does :) i read about revelation this morning.. Elder Oaks said, " We will get promptings of the spirit when we have done everything we can, when we are out in the sun working rather than sitting back in the shade praying for direction on the irst step to take. Revelation comes when the children of God are on the move!" So that is what I am going to do is work hard and pray harder. I am super excited to be here!
I love you family! Have a wonderful week!
Love, Sister Page

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