Thursday, September 18, 2014

Dear Family,
Well hi :) to answer your questions.. yes, this week is transfers. Sister Fuller and I had to opportunity to talk to president this week. He said I had been an STL long and I was done. I was really sad. He also said I will be leaving Papillion. It is really hard, but I have been praying really hard that I will be able to accomplish everything I need to this week. Yesterday we were able to set us appointments with two families who have been hesitant to learn, but have SO much potential. I have felt very strongly about these families and we will be teaching them this week before I leave! God is so good! Pray those lessons go well.
This week was a very strange week. We trained at two different zone trainings and went on a couple exchanges. I felt like we weren't in our area at all. We still saw many miracles though. There is this recent convert who had a bad experience but Sister Fuller and I found him! He had left for the military and came home. We felt like we should go stop by. Long story short he came back to church this week and his mom is a new investigator. What a blessing! We were on exchanges when she became a new investigator. The Sister I was with was having a really hard time. It was her idea to go see this family so I was grateful it was such a spiritual visit with her. It really built this sisters faith.
Amy has been out of town this week but she texts us about her Book of Mormon reading. She is in Alma and is doing so well! Aly, my recent convert, went to the temple this week for the first time. She did family names and had such a wonderful experience. I am so proud of her. Their are so many little miracles happening!
Edd and Nancy invited us to go to a pow wow since they are native American. It was so fun hahaha I will send pictures next week! Please pray for Edd though. He is really struggling.
I will let you know how transfers go. Please pray for me haha I will need it.
I had the opportunity to bear testimony of eternal families in many different settings this week. I know with all my heart that families are forever. I am so grateful Deema came into our family. His story has touched so many people out in the mission. I am grateful for the temple and the sealing power. This gospel is the only was to true happiness.
Keep being amazing. I love you all.
Love, Sister Page

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