Thursday, September 18, 2014

My Dearest Family (and second family that are living in my room),
What is up? It sounds like you have had a good week. Well I haven't read all your emails yet, but I am sure you are doing well. I promise I will read them. :)
Another great week in Nebraska. This place is so special. A lady in our ward(Sister Micheala) introduced us to her neighbor. We had a lesson with her this week. Her name is Kris. She is a single mom and she is very close to the spirit. Everything just sort of fell into place with her. We went over and were getting to know her a little and then her brother, Chip, walked in. He said he had been thinking about Mormons the night before and had some questions. It was so cool. We taught them the restoration. Honestly the best restoration lesson I have ever had. Sister Fuller and I were so unified and the spirit was really strong. In the lesson Chip even said as we were teaching him, " I feel like it is transparent in here. Everything is making sense." I love when people feel the spirit and start to recognize how it edifies. We invited them to be baptized. They both said they would if when they prayed God told them to. The coolest part is they would have never listened to us if it weren't for the Michaela family. Kris just kept talking about how the Micheala's just seem so happy and know their purpose in life. Member missionary work is so important!!! They couldn't come to church this week, but hopefully next week they will. :) Please pray for them!
We taught Amy again this week. She had kept her commitment to read and she totally came to church! Sister Fuller and I were worried because Amy had said she isn't sure about three hours of church every week.... but she came and loved it! We asked her if she had been praying to know if she needs to be baptized. She says she knows this is a commitment and she wants to make sure she knows it is the right thing to do. I love that she realizes how big of a deal it is. We know that when she does receive her answer that she will be committed. Making promised with God is a big deal and I think sometimes we all forget that.
The best news of all though is EDD GOT BAPTIZED! It was really hard because we had to go on three exchanges this week. some sisters were really struggling. I ended up not in our area every time. I was sad because I didn't get to teach Edd the week of his baptism at all. I know Sister Fuller would do a good job, but I was just sad. It was neat though because I knew that is what god needed us to do and he totally blessed us for it. Sacrifice truly brings for the blessings of Heaven. So Edd woke up Saturday morning really sick. We were super worried but he said, "unless I am in the hospital I will be there." He came and it was amazing. He wasn't feeling well though and he has a bad knee. His friend that he asked to baptize him has a bad back. So they had to do the ordinance three times... it was really rough and we all thought it wasn't going to happen. I don't want to dwell to much about it but it was a huge act of faith on Edds part. One day maybe it will be funny. hahaha maybe. Anyway it was a really special day and Edd didn't want to leave. He lingered there until everyone was gone. It was neat how you could feel his ancestors there. I know Edd will play a part in building the Kingdom of God. I will be forever grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving me the opportunity to teach him.
I learned a lot this week. Most importantly I learned to try to see others as God sees them. Do all you can to see where others are coming from. Christ loves everyone perfectly, because he understands them perfectly. I realized that disobedience to God's commandments is because of deep and unmet needs on the part of the sinner. I invite all of you to do all you can to try and see others as God see's them. Get to know them until their behavior makes sense to you. Lift, inspire, encourage and bless all those around you. Then you will develop pure love for them. I love you all. Have a wonderful week and remember what is most important.... me. hahha just kidding.
Love, Sister Page 

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